"The Protester" is a game about an ordinary citizen living in extraordinary times. The story is set in the Eastern European country of Romania, which has recently experienced massive protests against a self-serving government. While names have been avoided or changed, the game is directly inspired by those events and by the people who took to the streets daily in order to voice their concerns.

The gameplay is simple, centering on the management of two "resources": public opinion (the bar at the top of the screen) and your personal influence (the bar on the left side of the screen). Your influence determines the impact of your actions on the unfolding events, while public opinion is a measure of how the population leans at the moment. Depending on the status of this bar, the game will have a different ending.

Browse the news and make your opinion heard, find like-minded citizens to influence the public, or equip yourself for a long protest - the choice is yours. Just be careful, for there is little time to spare.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, Android
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Made withUnity


TheProtesterWin32.zip 38 MB
TheProtester.apk 47 MB

Install instructions

For windows: just unzip and play.

For Android: you must enable developer mode.


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I liked the idea to make some kind of protest management simulator very much! <3 And it was also great to see that you based it on some real politcal events as well, especially in combination with the sound snippets! Thank you very much for this little game. :) I included it in one of our compilation articles about the ResistJam and also in one of our showcase videos. I hope some more people may try it out.

Best wishes,